The logo is something that is necessary in the world of advertisement. It is a simplified image that translates the purpose of the business it represents. It in most cases is a simple silhouette such as the one above.
Gestalt has many definitions, but the one that applies to our studies is the idea that a configuration of patterns is greater than the sum of it's parts. While the individual parts of a image may be useless or meaningless by themselves , when combined with other units it creates a meaning that would not be possible without the individual units.
My conceptual project was one that was centered around basic observation and documentation of a changing environment. I proposed that every day a picture should be taken of a room in student housing over a year span. After getting the pictures they should be displayed chronologically on a board. This makes it simple for the viewer to identify the shifts and changes in the environment. This idea I must admit has been exhausted and is not so original.